Vapor Docs by White Horse Vapor - Take 5
How Long Did You Smoke For Before Making The Switch to Vaping?
About 8 years of smoking.
As An Ex-Smoker, What Negative Moment From Your Past Sticks Out The Most?
The moments that stick out to me in mind when I was used to be a smoker was the effect it had another people after having a cigarette the smell would linger and you know I get like looked at or you smell horrible from the smoke. You know those are kind of embarrassing moments but it was a need. I just kept smoking and smoking anyway and that was probably the most- and it’s just the smell of it. There would like be a stench in the car, in the house and everything else.
How Did Vaping Help You Quit Smoking?
Vaping helped me quit smoking dramatically but the first thing it actually did was made my breathing a lot better. I noticed that I was able to exercise better without huffing and puffing. I was able to do a lot more strenuous activities without looking like I was 50 when I was 25.
Do You Think The FDA Will Affect Your Ability To Vape?
The FDA’s going to affect my ability because I already saved a lot of money from quitting smoking. So when they jack up the prices for vaping which is actually been helping me- I don’t like to spend as it is. So when they jack up the prices I’m probably going to quit the whole thing to just because they’re going to jack up the prices it isn’t going to make me go back to the disease.
Will You Ever Smoke Again?
I will never smoke cigarettes again ever in my entire life. Not just because of the disease part of it but just the people that are behind it. The profit margin is more than what the heath is and that’s terrible, so absolutely not.