Vapor Docs by White Horse Vapor - Take 4
How Long Did You Smoke For Before Making The Switch to Vaping?
I spent about 6 or 7 years smoking.
As An Ex-Smoker, What Negative Moment From Your Past Sticks Out The Most?
When I was smoker, I hated the fact that my kids despised the smells. I hated the fact that I portrayed an image that smoking was acceptable and that it was okay. And that was kind of embarrassing from me.
How Did Vaping Help You Quit Smoking?
That thing that help me to quit smoking was White Horse Vapor. Definitely. I tried vaping from somewhere else and was kind of going back and forth and I came to White Horse and tried all the flavors and I fell in love. Totally fell in love!
Do You Think The FDA Will Affect Your Ability To Vape?
The FDA will absolutely affect my ability to vape. Limiting choices, just making a lot more inconvenient, the cost... just making harder for people to have even a choice. People that already chose to quit, might second guess that because cost goes up- don’t know. But, definitely wouldn’t be a smoother transition.
Will You Ever Smoke Again?
I never want to smoke cigarettes again, ever! Ever! I vape, I’m a vaper, will never call myself a smoker again.