Review of Aspire NX75 EVO and Smokjoy Air50

Review of Aspire NX75 EVO and Smokjoy Air50


What's up White Horse fans hope everybody's doing great out there as usual. We're back doing the reviews all the time. Johnny's all over it he's got the nice close-up angles this is really cool. I'm gonna get right to it okay.

There's been a couple of kits that have come into the market recently mainly by Aspire that I'm really really crazy about I'm gonna call them intermediate kits alright for example like this Aspire evoke it really cool compact good looking sleek, dependable, great craftsmanship - listen I don't get paid for these reviews okay and I'm never going to put something out to my customers or potential new customers and stand behind because i want you to come to my White Horse store forever okay?


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